2020 Poker Tournament Fundraiser
[All proceeds go to the Client Assistance Fund – helping clients who can’t pay a minimal amount for biblical counseling throughout the year]
This was a hit last year so we're back at it!
We've got the speakeasy under Murphy's reserved for the 2020 CLM Poker Tourney Thursday night, January 23.
***Prepay the $100 donation buy-in before the night by following this LINK and click on "Tickets.” You will receive 2,000 in EXTRA chips to play with! (everyone starts with 10,000 in chips)
WHAT: This is NOT intense poker. This is an evening of light-hearted Texas Hold-em with a bunch of people raising money to help those who cannot afford biblical counseling.
GRAND PRIZE: 2 Days of golf and 1 night stay at the Prairie Club for 2 people.
WHEN: Thursday, January 23 6-9pm
WHERE: Blind Lion Speakeasy under Murphy’s (510 9th St.)