Training Courses are intended to equip Christ-followers to better meet the needs of those hurting around them. The audience for this material ranges from those in full-time ministry to any individual desiring personal growth as well as biblical tools to help others.
Level 1 (Fall) and Level 2 (Spring) are offered every year. Level 1 is a 13 week course and Level 2 is 14 week course held on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm. The cost is $250 and includes a Lecture Note binder and all resources (books, cd's and handouts). Special Pricing: Couples $350, Alumi $125, and any group of 5 or more will get $30 off per person.
OPTION 2: Online access
Unable to attend one of our courses in Rapid City? Online trainings are available below. $200 purchases the video lectures and notes for each topic to view at your own pace.
Level 1
Foundations of Biblical Counseling
13 Session Online Course - $200/person
Mind Influences
Understanding Behavior
What the Law Could Never Do
Design of Man
Settled Identity
Freedom in Grace
Renewing the Mind
Relational Idolatry
Anger & Forgiveness
Abba Father
Character of God
Obedience Springing Forth
Breaking Bondage
God's Will
Level 2
Practical Application of Biblical Counseling
13 Session Online Course - $200/person
Rejection & Rebellion
Marriage Foundation
Roles in Marriage
Divorce & Separation
Fear & Anxiety
Grief & Loss
Sexual Integrity
Church Small Group Pricing: $200 + $10/person
Call (605) 341-5305 with any questions!
Course Feedback:
"I have grown spiritually beyond words. I cannot wait to be used by Him while applying these teachings. The most meaningful part of the class was settled identity, forgiveness and God’s will. I feel like my walk is in a much better place. Thank you for your hearts and willingness to teach this course. You have touched my life more than I can express. I cannot wait for the next course!"
"I recently had the privilege of participating in Christian Life Ministries Level 1 and 2 Lay Classes. This proved to be a wise investment in both time and money. The wisdom they imparted to me will impact me for the rest of my life. I will be spending time pouring over the wealth of resources they provided for years to come. But if someone asked me what stood out the most to me from my time in the Lay classes, I would have to say it's the staff. Beyond any resource they could ever provide or any wisdom they could ever impart, these wonderful people have something precious to offer others. They get the big picture. They understand how hurting people in an imperfect world need the love and grace of God. Christian Life Ministries is a place where pain finds sweet relief, where loneliness meets understanding, and where many are set free from the shame and guilt of a life riddled with struggles. It is a place where faith works."
"I was selfish in taking this class for myself personally coming out of a recent divorce. However, the things I have learned I have been able to share with others as well as for application to me. I felt each instructor was speaking directly to me through the Holy Spirit. I received some “sneak preview” in the training from receiving counseling earlier this year. It was great to receive more in depth instruction on those subjects. Anger had been an issue with me that was brought out during counseling and training. It helped me realize offended, hurt, broken expectations all result in anger and the importance of FORGIVENESS! 100% It was clear why I was in this class when I was. It was not an accident. God’s timing is perfect. Thank you CLM"